Network Visibility
Packet Broker

Real-time insights

Solutions that will accompany your company in the future

IoT Security/5G

Keysight bietet fortschrittliche IoT-Sicherheits- und 5G-Lösungen, um Unternehmen dabei zu unterstützen, die Herausforderungen der zunehmend vernetzten Welt zu bewältigen. Diese Lösungen bieten einen umfassenden Schutz für das Internet der Dinge (IoT) und 5G-Netzwerke. Mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Absicherung von IoT-Geräten und -Netzwerken sowie der Gewährleistung einer sicheren 5G-Infrastruktur ermöglicht Keysight, Sicherheitslücken zu schließen und Bedrohungen zu bekämpfen.

Test- Automatisierung

Keysight's test automation solution, known as Eggplant, provides companies with a comprehensive platform to automate testing for software applications and systems. This solution makes it possible to create and execute test scenarios through artificial intelligence and machine learning. With a holistic approach to test automation, Eggplant offers companies the ability to check application performance across different platforms.

Threat simulation

Keysight's Threat Simulation offers companies an advanced solution for simulating cyberattacks. This platform enables security teams to create and simulate realistic attack scenarios to test the resilience of their networks and security measures. With a wide range of attack techniques and tools, companies can assess the effectiveness of their security infrastructure, identify vulnerabilities and uncover security gaps.

Network Testing and Security

Keysight's Network Test and Security solutions provide comprehensive network security and performance tools and testing. These tools enable precise testing and analysis to ensure network security while improving performance. By conducting comprehensive reliability, scalability and security testing of network infrastructure, Keysight helps organizations identify potential vulnerabilities and mitigate security threats.

Dynamic Network Visibility

Keysight's Network Visibility solution provides in-depth analysis and comprehensive insights into network performance and activity. These advanced analytics tools enable precise monitoring and visibility across the entire network. By capturing and analyzing traffic patterns, it allows you to quickly identify potential bottlenecks, optimize network performance, and troubleshoot problems in real time.


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